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Head Girl's Message

Ever since we were little, we were told that the great change the world. Shakespeare once said, “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” But I have always opined that it isn’t the great who change the world, it is merely the salient features of a quotidian person. An act as simple as rising by lifting others or trying to ameliorate someone’s harrowing day might seem inconspicuous to some because change is often not recognised by it’s existence, it is recognised by it’s degree.

No one is a stranger to having a penchant for becoming the best at what we do. That is what we have been wired to believe ever since we became the weavers of life’s tapestry. What we are not told is that every bump in the road cannot be swerved. Every gash might not heal in the nick of time. And the exquisite thing is that it does not need to. Wounds do not distort the visage of an individual, rather they are an indelible mark of our journey through crests and troughs of life.

As a student of St. Agnes’ Loreto Day School, becoming its flag bearer is truly an enriching experience. But with carrying forward the legacy of an institution as profound as St. Agnes’, comes great responsibility. And that is where the school's teachers come in. Their unwavering passion to sharpen our roughest edges deems us worthy to be acknowledged as Agnesians. The multifaceted approach to building a child from the ground-up plays a pivotal role in the holistic development of the students.

While we are on the note of holistic development, I am reminded of an anecdote that changed my perspective about life. Our revered Principal, Miss Bunny, taught us the motto, “Carpé Diem” which means seize the day. And these words continue to reverberate in my mind forevermore. I am indebted to her for her positive and efficacious demeanour which impelled me to traverse through the storms and find myself in this quest of life.

While I might be serving as the Head Girl of the school, I was once just another child on the side-lines being absolutely enamoured by the seniors and the way their presence could light up the darkest corners of the world. In the blink of an eye, I became one of them. So, the ones who might be reading these words which prick at my heart for they are unconditionally true, I want to remind you that no dream is ever to grandiose to be conjured up. But remember, dreams only come true if you have the courage to pursue them. The greatest honour I could receive as the Head Girl of St. Agnes’ Loreto Day School is giving back at least a modest amount to a place that gave me the life every child envisions.

I want to remind you, just because you falter, it does not mean that you have failed. Just because you feel incomplete, it does not mean you are not enough. Fall down. Scrape your knees. Feel the pain and accept it. And when the agonising feeling of the cut starts subsiding, get back up again and buck up because “c’est la vie.”

Anisha Singh
Head Girl,
St. Agnes' Loreto Day School.


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