Event Date: 12-Dec-2021
Updated On: 9-May-2022
Total Video(s): 4
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“I heard the bells on Christmas day, their old familiar carols play. And wild and
sweet the words repeat of peace on earth, good-will to men.” Henry
Wardsworth Longfellow
Soaked in ardour and exuberance, the students of classes III, IV and V ushered in
the Christmas festivities at St. Agnes’ Loreto Day School.
The little ones joyously crooned the carols at a virtual felicitation and screening
ceremony of the inter- house carol singing activity organized by the House of
Peace on 15th December 2021.They spelt magic in the air with their spirited and
captivating expressions, leaving all greatly impressed.
Their renderings garnered deep appreciation from the judges who lauded their
efforts to put up such delightful and mesmerising presentations.
The Principal Miss Bunny congratulated each participant for her incredibly
zestuous participation in spreading the cheer and joy of Christmas around. She
reminded the participants of the deeper message of Christmas. She said that the
essence of this festival is to generously reach out to those who are needy,
sorrowful and lonely.
“Christmas is not as much about opening up presents as opening our hearts.”
Janice Maeditere