O Lord God

O Lord God, Our Father, we worship and glorify you for your greatness and your goodness. You are the Infinite being who is responsible for the whole of creation. We bow before you in adoration and reverence. We thank you for creating us, for the gift of life, for loving us and cherishing us and for living in us and constantly holding us in being. Since you have given us all we have and are, we have nothing to offer you except our love. Father, we love you.

Almighty God
Make me an Instrument
Lord Teach Me
Today O God
O God, thank you
At The End Of Each Day
Prayer Before Class
Prayer After Class
Our Father
Psalm Of a Student
Prayer Of Praise
Prayer for Right
Prayer For Vocations
Prayer in time of Sickness
Direct and Guide
O Great One
O my God
Direct we beseech
Rise India